December 2, 2015

Bikers…turn on your lights!!!!!!

Bikers…turn on your lights!!!!!!

Don’t know if I’m in the correct section (Mods change please if need be).

This evening I was in work cage on Navan road out of Dublin (after roundabout and before M50 interchange). It was 16.25pm and just entering a 60KPH zone I noticed in my mirror a rider on a bike coming up very fast on my side of cage. He (presume it was male) had what looked like a PARKING LIGHT on for headlight. He flew past way over the speed limit and went to the top of the line of traffic stopped at the lights. This guy filtered between two rows of almost stationary traffic at approx 40/50 KPH. When he took off he was like a scalded cat….way way over the limit.

My problem with this guy is this:

1) Very poorly lit bike
2) Black bike, black clothing and black helmet.
3) It’s behaviour like this that contributes to accidents and the bad press bikers get.

I always watch out for bikes and give them the respect they deserve….does this guy deserve respect?

Not sure what bike it was but the Reg is 97-C. If your on here my message to you sunshine is COP ON and <(“)><(“)>

Source: Bikers…turn on your lights!!!!!!