March 18, 2015

Planning a new garden shed for bike

Planning a new garden shed for bike

Thinking of replacing the 8’x10′ wooden shed with something that can take the bike as well as all the usual garden bits and bobs.

I am sure a lot of yous have already gone thru this and knows the ins and outs. So assume you live in a standard semi-d with a small garden at the back of the house, and you want to build something to accommodate the bike (not just storage, bike in regular daily use) as well as the usual garden stuff like lawnmover, tools, ladder, left over paint, tiles etc etc, you know the story…

If you were to do this, what size and type of shed would you recommend?

My initial thoughts are 8’x10′ steel shed on a concrete base with wide sliding doors. But I am really open to ideas and suggestions.

Source: Planning a new garden shed for bike