March 7, 2015

Should I get a VFR800 VTEC?

Should I get a VFR800 VTEC?

Lads I’m planning to change from my adventure bike to something fast and more exciting. Sport bikes (although I haven’t tried one) by nature seem not really designed for comfort, and any trips over an hour I’d imagine would take toll on the arse and wrists….

Previous bikes… an xt660x and a bandit 650.

So I’m thinking of getting myself a 2006/2007 VFR800 VTEC.

I’m hoping that it might be the perfect compromise between fast and fun/comfort and practicality.

Anyone got any input from experience?

My concerns are;

-talk of high maintenance costs

-is it agile weighing almost 220kg

-has it got enough power to hide the extra weight… is it fast enough

-is it heavy on juice

-Why does everyone say they’re for aul fellas?!

Type of riding: Everything really… getting out for an hour or two every second evening for a spin after work. Maybe the odd spin down the country on the weekends. Motorway and backroads.

Should I go for something sportier if I’m looking for excitement?

Cheers :bikerie:

Source: Should I get a VFR800 VTEC?