July 6, 2015

Doc John arrangements

Doc John arrangements

M.C.U.I – U.C Marshals Association

From Anne Forsythe:
I am sure you will have heard the terribly sad news about Doc John Hinds passing away early yesterday morning.
Janet (his partner) has told me that they hope to bring him home from Beaumont Hospital, Dublin probably on Tuesday and if any bikers would like to join them on route they are very welcome. As the Tandragee 100 course was John’s favourite and also his home circuit, they plan to do a lap of the course on the way. Bikers are welcome to join in at Bell’s Crossroads and do a lap and then peel off again at Bells to allow the family to return privately to his home. Once I have more details I will share them. His home will be strictly private for family and close friends only. Please respect their wishes.
John will then be moving on probably on the Wednesday to his parents’ home in Portaferry which will be open for visitors. The funeral will be either on Thursday or Friday in Portaferry.
Once details are finalised they will be shared publically.

Source: Doc John arrangements