July 6, 2015

Crankcase breathers – coupla questions ?

Crankcase breathers – coupla questions ?

I rode the Vrod down to Spain and back with the brother over the last couple of weeks. He managed to boil the brakes on the VFR at one stage in the Pyrenees, but the old rhino (almost) never missed a beat in over 2300 miles in 30 degrees plus :smileee:

‘Almost’ because it did start to drip a little oil out of a breather hose that runs from the rear rocker cover up into the air box. Since it wasn’t too bad, I left it until I got home to look at it properly. Turns out the rubber hose was dozed, and somebody had tried to repair it before with plastic tape – which must have been fine round home, but couldn’t handle the heat and long running.

Anyway – the questions are (i) can you get braided hoses or similar to replace the original rubber ones, and if so who does them (ii) would there be any adverse consequences to running the breather into a little mini K&N type filter instead of back into the air box like you see on some of the older classic bikes, instead of polluting the incoming air with hot/oil-rich vapour ?

(I don’t know if it matters, but the bike is fuel injected btw, the air box sits under the dummy tank on them – and has at least one sensor going from there to the ecu)

Any info or thoughts appreciated,

Source: Crankcase breathers – coupla questions ?