March 16, 2015

Chain Tight Spot Fix. (Hopefully)

Chain Tight Spot Fix. (Hopefully)

Well times are tough these days so when I heard my chain had developed a tight spot I hadn’t got the sheckles to buy a new one and chain is only fairly new too..
So off to garage and got some kerosene. ..cost me 2 euro!!!!!
Cleaned the whole chain with scrubbing brush. ..
Marked up the tight spot with a marker and made a contraption to soak over nite. .

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

All links seem to be moving free now..
Hopefully this sorts it out. .
If not time to start saving :rolleyes2:

Source: Chain Tight Spot Fix. (Hopefully)